Calibrate Quality Assurance

Contact Center Quality Assurance with BeyondQA

calibrate quality assurance in call center

Automated QA to Organize Contact Center Operations

Speed up evaluation with automated QA process to get rid of repetitive, manual tasks. Let your resources emphasize on the betterment of agent performance to deliver quality customer service. Customized dashboards deliver real-time feedback, featuring pressing QA issues. It also saves time and money.

Replace Old Spreadsheets with Advanced QA Software 

Good old spreadsheets cannot scale the advanced QA process. A QA platform built with a purpose gives you all the tools needed to meet the present and future goals of your business. It also ensures that customer experience grows in tandem. BeyondQA includes customizable scorecards, advanced calibration, conversational analytics, cloud storage instead of email chains and more.

calibrate quality assurance in contact center
calibrate qa in contact center
Advanced Reporting for Better Agent Performance

Ensure customer experience optimization at every touchpoint. Agents should be aware of the customer’s journey, their position, and personalize the course of action. BeyondQA integrates with the leading CRMs to ensure you can handle every channel and deliver the data required for exceptional CX.

Improved Productivity 

Tedious and repetitive QA tasks take up a lot of time. By automating these processes, you can introduce smart work in your business. Simplify evaluation with fully customizable scorecards and reduce pressure for your supervisors, agents, and evaluators. Allow your team to focus on important tasks like delivering outstanding CX instead. Free up the team to let them do what’s the need of the hour.

calibrate qa in call center
calibrate qa in call center

Analyze Customer Interaction to Understand Them Better

The key to improve performance and deliver high score lies in root cause analysis. Using BeyondQA’s tools, you can analyze agent-customer interaction automatically to understand why customers call a contact center and how you can be of help to them.
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